Atrial fibrillation or disruption
heart rhythm is one of
the risk of stroke. There is one drug
antipembekuan more new blood
effective than standard drugs.
Many cardiac rhythm disturbances
encountered in clinics and hospitals in
Indonesia. This condition also
more than 6 million people in Europe,
of the 2.3 million population of the
United States,
and more than 800,000 people in Japan.
In patients with rhythm disturbances
heart, heart rate did not
regularly makes them vulnerable
experienced the formation of
blood clotting, which can
move forward toward the brain, and
potentially lead to attacks
Is an anticoagulant drug or
vitamin K antagonists, such as warfarin,
which is widely regarded as
standard drug for the prevention
blood clotting (coagulation) . Although
effective, warvarin have some
"Some of the drawbacks of warfarin, in
between drug levels in blood
difficult to predict and should be
routinely, easily 'bullied' drug-
Another drug when ingested, the patient
restricted eating foods that
contain as much vitamin K
on vegetables given warfarin
is a vitamin K antagonist when
vegetables needed by the body, and
difficult to control, blood may be too
the risk of bleeding or
too viscous which increases the risk
stroke, "said Dr. RWM Kaligis SpJP (K )
in a media briefing "Prevention
Stroke in Patients with Impaired
Heart Rhythm: A recent study "by
Bayer HealthCare in Hotel
Intercontinental Jakarta MidPlaza,
Jakarta, Tuesday (16 / 8 / 2011).
A recent study found the Rocket AF
antipembekuan drug new blood
minimal risk compared to warfarin,
standard drug which has been
consumed. Studies comparing
between Rivaroxaban and warfarin
Rivaroxaban demonstrated that
proved better at reducing
the risk of stroke in patients
cardiac rhythm disturbances during
Rivaroxaban consume (on
treatment) with the risk of bleeding
and fatal bleeding intrakarnial the
"With approximately 20 mg dose
a day, Rivaroxaban can prevent
stroke by 21 percent in patients
heart rhythm disturbances and proven
comparable with warfarin.
Rivaroxaban effectively prevent
blood clots 'walk ' that
create a blockage somewhere else, "
he continued.
Rivaroxaban has been approved by 110
around the world while at
Indonesia, Rivaroxaban is being
approval process of the Board
Food and Drug Administration
Rocket AF own studies have
presented at the meeting
American Heart Association Congress
in 2010 and published in the journal
New England Journal of Scientific
Medicine in August 2011