Rabu, 20 Agustus 2008

Exploring the aetiology of increased endometrial bleeding in norplant users: the role of local factors?

The clinical study of endometrium has been conducted to investigate the aetiology of increased endometrial bleeding in Norplant user with the emphasis on the bleeding occured due to the steroid-sensitive cells from the regressing endometrium coming through the myimetrium to influence its vascular function and integrity. In conclusion, this sutdy provides evidence for increased microvascular density in endometrium from Norplant acceptors compared to normal menstrual cycle endometrium. In addition, endometrial endothelial levels of FVIIIRa in Norplant users are elevated above those seen in the control at the time of menstruation and unequally distributed within the endometrial microvasculature. Keywords: CD 34 antibody, FVIIIRa, hysteroscopy. Biran Affandi, Wachyu H, Peter A.W. Rogers; Dep. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, faculy of medicine UI, Dep of Obstetrics and gynecology, faculty of medicine, monash university Melbourne, Australia