Jumat, 08 Agustus 2008
Studies on Male Fertility Regulation in Indonesia
Male contraception has not received mush attention, compared with the extensive numbers of investigations dealing with female contraception. The condom and coitus interruptus were among the first methods of male contraception. These methods are usually started on the initiative of the couple, without any medical advice, as they are not ordinarily recommended in the family planning clinic. The development of safe, effective and reversible contraceptive methods for for men is an important step in increasing the options available for couples who wish to regulate their family size. This paper reviews the results of studies on male fertility regulation conducted in Indonesia, such as a combination of androgen-progestagenm androgen only, simetidine, ketoconazole, nonscalpel vasectomy and vas occlusion using medical grade silicone. Some of those studies showed good results and prospectives in developing safe and effective contraceptive methods for men. Keywords: hormonal, non-hormonal, male fertility regulation.K.M. Arsyad; Division of Andrology Departmen of Medical Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Sriwijaya University