Selasa, 23 September 2008

Surgery For Mitral Valve Regurgitation.

I have friend which often complain his breath feel so short. This is feel for 2 years ago. I suggest him to go to cardiologist to check the complaint. And after he goes to cardiologist, he was diagnosed suffer Mitral Valve Regurgitation and suggested to do Mitral Valve Surgery. But he is afraid with surgery. I help him to believe so he will do the surgery.

What is Mitral Valve Regurgitation ?.
Mitral valve is apart of heart.There are 4 room in heart, that is 2 atrium and 2 ventricle separated into left side and right side. There are Tricuspid Valve between atrium and ventricle right, while in left side atrium and ventricle right separated by Mitral Valve.

Left side of heart get blood that come from lung, and this blood step into left atrium and next this blood come to left ventricle pass by Mitral Valve. From left ventricle blood will be pumped in to entire body and pass by Aortic Valve. In Mitral Valve Regurgitation, Mitral Valve will not close finely so blood that should be from left atrium to left ventricle will flow back and return to lung. This condition will make heart muscle become weak later and finally will happen Congestive Heart Failure . Before heart become like that, very suggested to do Mitral Valve Repair with do the surgery.