Allergy is a condition in which a person exhibits hyper-sensitivity to certain substances like food, dust, pollen, molds etc. Substances that cause allergy are known as Allergens. Individuals suffering from allergy are at a great risk of acquiring respiratory disorders like Asthma.
There are various types of Allergy like Food Allergy, Latex Allergy, Seasonal Allergy, Drug Allergy, Insect Sting etc. Allergies can be treated depending upon their causes. One has to consult a doctor for a proper and effective treatment. Although most of the allergies are not so serious some may lead to fatality.
Allergy is a condition which cannot be cured but its symptoms can be treated. Medications like Anti-Histamines are useful in treating allergy patients. Apart from the medications one can adopt few principles which would help to avoid further allergies.
Individuals suffering from allergy (esp. dust, molds, pollen) should keep their living environment clean and hygienic. Dust allergy is one of the common types of allergies. Persons suffering from this type of allergy can avoid cleaning works especially where there is lot of dust accumulated. If going out in traffic they can use air-filters.
Persons suffering from Food Allergy can avoid the particular type of food which caused allergy to them. Some may be allergic to latex or cosmetics. Avoiding usage of such materials is a must for those.
The basic rule for allergy patients is to avoid or stay away from the allergens. This is possible to some extent but there are certain circumstances when it is not possible. At that point of time the individual can intake the medications prescribed by a Doctor or visit his Doctor if required.