Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing
Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications
Mary C. Townsend, DSN, APRN, BC
Clinical Specialist/Nurse Consultant
Adult Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
Former Assistant Professor and Coordinator,
Mental Health Nursing
Kramer School of Nursing
Oklahoma City University
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Clinical Applications of Nursing Diagnosis
Inside this ebook you will find procedural Clinical Applications of Nursing Diagnosis to the Adult, Child, Women's, Psychiatric, Gerontic, and Home Health Considerations. These book created by Susan A. Newfield, Mittie D. Hinz, Donna Scott-Tilley, Kathryn L. Sridaromont, Patricia Joy Maramba.
This is eBook edition carries on the great features of the previous while updating and improving the content. The Gordon's Functional Health Patterns organizes the framework, helping students learn and apply a holistic approach in planning care.
This is a great handbook, It will helps the Nurses who want to make nursing care plans according to the nursing diagnosis. It is well organized and easy to read. The diagnoses are grouped according to the 11 functional health patterns.
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