Kamis, 08 Januari 2009

acid strand can be healthy

Found quite a lot of people who suffer acid muscle disease. Especially for those who have entered old age. Actual disease acid fiber can recover the total or one hundred percent, the acid uratnya controlled properly. How to control your nerves with acid how to set up eating patterns. "The disease is caused by acid fiber high fiber content in the blood of acid. And the high acid content is due to nerves because so many foods that contain purin," said dr. Arif Koswandi, SpPD, Specialist Physician In Diseases. Foods that contain purin, the doctor who is familiar disapa Arif, found in the food we consume daily. Such as offal (liver, kidney, heart, brain, tuberculosis, spleen, intestine), sardines, birds, ducks, sea food, fish, vegetables cabbage, bean and the type of beans, such as a dry peanut. "But there are many purin most in the viscera," explained. Doctors who practice in the First Hospital Bros. (RSAB) Batam mention this, there are two factors which cause acid fiber content in the blood. First because of excessive production, and second because the ekskresinya reduced. Production over this usually occurs because of dietary factors or food consumed each day. Because of the food eaten that day-to-day high purin, the acid content increased muscle so. The result timbullah pain dipersendian. Ekskresi Meanwhile, the acid fiber is obstructed or reduced. Some of the slump in the kidney, which eventually can also cause kidney stones and even kidney failure. "The disease can be acid fiber suffered by anybody, be it men or women. Usually this attack began diusia three heads," he said. About the symptoms of this disease, doctors menuturkan Arif, was initially not always bergejala. Most of the new note after complications occurred due to acid hoarding grain. "The new joint will feel sore, swollen and red. If it is severe, the joint will change shape. Meanwhile, if diginjal, will form kidney stones. Kencing be obstructed, the urine of stone relief. Even if it is very severe, can cause kidney failure, "he said. About this muscle disease acid Doctors stressed Arif can be cured or a total of one hundred percent. "The acid uratnya is well controlled and eating patterns can mengaktur. With restrict eating foods that contain purin, acid muscle disease can be cured one hundred percent," accuse him. Avoid excessive Weight Loss Acid muscle disease can be avoided since this early, that is, with the acid to prevent the high fiber content in the blood. Do manage eating patterns, as well as avoiding excessive weight. "The disease acid fiber can be avoided since this early. Do with diet or eating foods with a low purin," said Doctor Arif. Another way is also not less important, he added, reduce excessive. Soalnya, fat or no excess body weight (Obesity) is a potential for bad acid fiber. "Zat fat in the body that can prevent muscle acid secretion. To avoid the obesity," specifically. Besides, he added, with the increase Munim water also can reduce the acid content in muscle blood. "Foods that have a korbohidrat can also avoid acid muscle disease," he said. Meanwhile, for the medical treatment, doctor linked Arif, acid can be overcome with nerves consume drugs that can lower the acid content in the blood, muscle, including allopurinol. "The drugs can also be used. During teruji has been scientifically. But before consume drugs is used to make sure the acid in the blood of nerves. Normally 7 ml / dl, if the above means that the muscle high acid content,". (CP)