Gonorrhea (GO) is a contagious infection of the disease does not only happen on the genitals. But it also can cause blindness in infants and cause infection of the throat. Dr. Sa'da Barira, SpKK, Specialist Skin and Sex menuturkan than spilis have a venereal disease that is also dangerous because of the bacteria neisseria gonorrhoeae. "The virus is not only menginfeksi layer in uretra, neck and rektum womb. But also the throat, and the white eye or konjungtiva," explained Disease gonorrhea ditulari through certain media. Among them through sex with people with gonorrhea. Besides through sek can also be done with the direct contact with clothing, towels, and other equipment. "The disease gonorrhea is the most contagious through sex," said the doctor who is familiar disapa Ira. About the symptoms, the doctor Ira explain, in men, gonorrhea early symptoms usually occur within 2-5 days after infection. Symptoms begin with the malaise in the uretra and several hours later, followed by pain when berkemih and pus discharge from the penis or ureter "While in the women, early symptoms usually occur more slowly and there are no signs, as happened in the men's," he said. People added, often do not experience symptoms for several weeks or even several months. "Note the disease only after the couple relationship seksualnya contagious. If symptoms develop, are usually mild," he said. He added that some patients who showed symptoms of weight, such as color, but there keputihan sulfur, and sometimes bloody pus out. "Infection can attack neck womb, the womb, the channel eggs, ovary, uretra, and rektum and cause pain when pinggul in a sexual relation," explained. If the infected fluid on the eye, it can cause eye infections outside (konjungtivitis gonore). In addition, the disease can spread on the new born baby. Because the baby can be infected with gonorrhea from his mother during childbirth so that the swelling occurs in both eyes and sheath out pus from his eyes. And if infection is not treated, it will cause blindness. Sexual relationship through the mouth or oral sex with a gonorrhea sufferer will usually cause gonorrhea in the throat (faringitis gonokokal). "Generally, these infections do not cause symptoms, but sometimes sore throat and cause disruption to swallow," said Ira doctor. Diagnosis and Treatment Gonorrhea disease diagnosis is based on the results of the examination mikroskopik of pus, which causes gonorrhea bacteria found. If the examination mikroskopik not found the bacteria, the breeding is done in the laboratory. Gonorrhea is usually treated with a single injection seftriakson intramuskuler (the muscle) or with the per-oral antibiotics (oral) for one week (usually given doksisiklin). If gonorrhea has spread through the bloodstream, patients are usually treated in the hospital and get antibiotics intravena or through the blood vessel or infus. Always On The Setia Apply Pattern and Healthy Living Similar to other infectious diseases, gonorrhea is also very dangerous. In fact, can also cause death. For that to avoid this disease is always loyal to the pair and apply the pattern of living healthy. "Gonorrhea is most ditulari through intercourse. This often happens because often bergonta-pair change. The did not realize, there is one of the pair who stayed disease. Finally, it took so contagious," said Doctor Ira. Therefore he urges, to always be loyal to the pair of each. And do not change too often paired. "The most may not, do not to have sex, in addition to pair with our own," specifically. Besides, he added, should also familiarize themselves with the pattern of healthy living. Moreover gonorhea this can also spread through other media such as clothing and towels the people. "To be protected from this disease, in addition to faithful at the couple must also live healthier," accuse him. (CP)