Selasa, 13 Januari 2009
In the Women's Cancer Rahim

Cancer Rahim Rahim female reproductive organ is the main man in the womb cancer and must be treated immediately in order not to spread and cause death. Cancer happens in the womb many indonesian. Definition of Cancer Rahim Rahim Cancer (Cancer Serviks) is a malignant tumor that grows in the womb, neck / serviks (the lowest part of the uterus attached to the top of the vagina. Cancer serviks (womb) is usually the women aged 35-55 years. 90% of cancer serviks or womb cancer cells derived from skuamosa the mantle serviks (womb cancer) and the remaining 10% comes from the gland cells of mucus in the channel leading to the servikal in the womb. Cancer Causes Rahim Cancer (womb) serviks occur when cells become abnormal and serviks split the uncontrollable. If the cells serviks (womb) will continue to split the network form a mass called a tumor may be benign or malignant. If the tumor is malignant, then the case is called cancer or cancer serviks uterus (womb). The cause of a difference in the cells serviks not known exactly, but there are several factors that affect the risk of a cancer serviks: 1. HPV (human papillomavirus) HPV is a wart virus causes genitalis (kondiloma akuminata), which is transmitted through sexual relations. Variant is a very dangerous HPV types 16, 18, 45 and 56.
2. Smoking Tobacco and damage the immune system influence the body's ability to fight HPV infection in serviks. 3. Sexual first done in the early 4. Flit pair sexual 5. Husband / seksualnya pair to the first sexual relationship at the age of under 18 years old, take turns and the couple had married a woman who suffered from cancer serviks (womb) 6. Use of DES (dietilstilbestrol) in pregnant women to prevent miscarriage (many used in the year 1940-1970)
7. Interference immune system 8. Use pill KB 9. Herpes genitalis infection or chronic infection klamidia 10. The economy is weak (because they are not able to perform routine Pap smear) Prekanker In the circumstances Serviks (womb) Cells on the surface of the serviks (womb) sometimes appear abnormal but not violent. Scientists believe that some abnormal changes in cells serviks is the first step of a series of changes that are running low, a few years later, can cause cancer. Therefore, some changes are abnormal circumstances prekanker, which can turn into cancer. When this has been used a different term for abnormal changes in cells on the surface serviks (womb), one of them is lesi skuamosa intraepitel (lesi aberration network means, means intraepitel cells were found in abnormal surface layer). Changes in the cells can be divided into 2 groups: 1. Lesi low level: the early changes in the size, shape and number of cells that form the surface serviks. Some low-level lesi disappear by itself. But the other grow into larger and more abnormal, lesi establish a high level. lesi low displasia also called light or neoplasia intraepitel servikal 1 (NIS 1). Lesi low level most often found in women aged 25-35 years, but can also occur in all age groups. 2. Lesi high: a large number of cells found prekanker that appear very different from a normal cell. Changes prekanker this only happens on the surface of cells in serviks. For months and even many years, these cells will not become violent and will not penetrate to the layer in a more serviks. Lesi high displasia also called secondary or displasia weight, NIS 2 or 3, or karsinoma in situ. Lesi higher level most commonly found in women aged 30-40 years. If abnormal cells spread deeper into serviks or to the network and other organs, the situation called mada serviks cancer or cancer serviks (womb) invasif. Cancer serviks (womb) is found most often at the age of over 40 years. Rahim Cancer Symptoms Changes prekanker on serviks usually does not cause symptoms and the change is not detected unless a woman is a pelvic examination and Pap smear. Uterus cancer symptoms usually appear when a new cell serviks abnormal changes to the violence and to infiltrate the network in the surrounding areas. At this time will arise following symptoms: - The vagina abnormal bleeding, especially between 2 menstruasi, after a sexual relationship, and after menopause - Menstruasi abnormal (longer and more) - Keputihan who lived, with a thin liquid, colored pink, brown, black or contain blood and the smell. Symptoms of cancer of the womb stadium information: - Decreased appetite, weight reduction, fatigue - Nyeri pelvis, back or leg - Vagina out water from urine or feces - Patah bones (fraktur). Cancer diagnosis Rahim Ditegakkan diagnosis based on symptoms and examination results below: 1. Pap smear Pap smear can detect up to 90% of cases of cancer serviks accurately and with a cost that is not too expensive. As a result, mortality due to cancer servikspun decreased more than 50%. Every woman who has been active in sexual or have reached age 18 years, should undergo regular Pap smear is 1 time / year. If for 3 times in a row showed normal results, Pap smear can be done 1 kali/2-3tahun. Pap smear examination results show from the stadium serviks cancer (womb): - Normal - Displasia light (early changes that are not violent) - Displasia weight (about the changes are not violent) - Karsinoma in situ (cancer is limited to the outermost layer serviks) - Invasif cancer (cancer has spread to the layer serviks (womb) in a more or to other organs). 2. Biopsy Biopsy performed if the pelvic examination of a visible growth in the serviks or injured, or if the Pap smear shows a abnormalitas or cancer. 3. Kolposkopi (examination serviks with brass lens) 4. Schiller test Serviks be oiled with lauran iodine, a healthy cell color will change to brown, while abnormal cells that become the color of white or yellow. To help determine the stadium womb cancer, made some pemeriksan following: - Sistoskopi - Rays chest - Urografi intravena - Sigmoidoskopi - Skening bones and heart - Barium enema.
2. Smoking Tobacco and damage the immune system influence the body's ability to fight HPV infection in serviks. 3. Sexual first done in the early 4. Flit pair sexual 5. Husband / seksualnya pair to the first sexual relationship at the age of under 18 years old, take turns and the couple had married a woman who suffered from cancer serviks (womb) 6. Use of DES (dietilstilbestrol) in pregnant women to prevent miscarriage (many used in the year 1940-1970)
7. Interference immune system 8. Use pill KB 9. Herpes genitalis infection or chronic infection klamidia 10. The economy is weak (because they are not able to perform routine Pap smear) Prekanker In the circumstances Serviks (womb) Cells on the surface of the serviks (womb) sometimes appear abnormal but not violent. Scientists believe that some abnormal changes in cells serviks is the first step of a series of changes that are running low, a few years later, can cause cancer. Therefore, some changes are abnormal circumstances prekanker, which can turn into cancer. When this has been used a different term for abnormal changes in cells on the surface serviks (womb), one of them is lesi skuamosa intraepitel (lesi aberration network means, means intraepitel cells were found in abnormal surface layer). Changes in the cells can be divided into 2 groups: 1. Lesi low level: the early changes in the size, shape and number of cells that form the surface serviks. Some low-level lesi disappear by itself. But the other grow into larger and more abnormal, lesi establish a high level. lesi low displasia also called light or neoplasia intraepitel servikal 1 (NIS 1). Lesi low level most often found in women aged 25-35 years, but can also occur in all age groups. 2. Lesi high: a large number of cells found prekanker that appear very different from a normal cell. Changes prekanker this only happens on the surface of cells in serviks. For months and even many years, these cells will not become violent and will not penetrate to the layer in a more serviks. Lesi high displasia also called secondary or displasia weight, NIS 2 or 3, or karsinoma in situ. Lesi higher level most commonly found in women aged 30-40 years. If abnormal cells spread deeper into serviks or to the network and other organs, the situation called mada serviks cancer or cancer serviks (womb) invasif. Cancer serviks (womb) is found most often at the age of over 40 years. Rahim Cancer Symptoms Changes prekanker on serviks usually does not cause symptoms and the change is not detected unless a woman is a pelvic examination and Pap smear. Uterus cancer symptoms usually appear when a new cell serviks abnormal changes to the violence and to infiltrate the network in the surrounding areas. At this time will arise following symptoms: - The vagina abnormal bleeding, especially between 2 menstruasi, after a sexual relationship, and after menopause - Menstruasi abnormal (longer and more) - Keputihan who lived, with a thin liquid, colored pink, brown, black or contain blood and the smell. Symptoms of cancer of the womb stadium information: - Decreased appetite, weight reduction, fatigue - Nyeri pelvis, back or leg - Vagina out water from urine or feces - Patah bones (fraktur). Cancer diagnosis Rahim Ditegakkan diagnosis based on symptoms and examination results below: 1. Pap smear Pap smear can detect up to 90% of cases of cancer serviks accurately and with a cost that is not too expensive. As a result, mortality due to cancer servikspun decreased more than 50%. Every woman who has been active in sexual or have reached age 18 years, should undergo regular Pap smear is 1 time / year. If for 3 times in a row showed normal results, Pap smear can be done 1 kali/2-3tahun. Pap smear examination results show from the stadium serviks cancer (womb): - Normal - Displasia light (early changes that are not violent) - Displasia weight (about the changes are not violent) - Karsinoma in situ (cancer is limited to the outermost layer serviks) - Invasif cancer (cancer has spread to the layer serviks (womb) in a more or to other organs). 2. Biopsy Biopsy performed if the pelvic examination of a visible growth in the serviks or injured, or if the Pap smear shows a abnormalitas or cancer. 3. Kolposkopi (examination serviks with brass lens) 4. Schiller test Serviks be oiled with lauran iodine, a healthy cell color will change to brown, while abnormal cells that become the color of white or yellow. To help determine the stadium womb cancer, made some pemeriksan following: - Sistoskopi - Rays chest - Urografi intravena - Sigmoidoskopi - Skening bones and heart - Barium enema.
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