Minggu, 11 Januari 2009

Karies and Diet

Karies is one of the teeth and mouth disease caused by several factors, I think I already perbah study and previous dipostingan you will be more clear about karies. Diet one of the trend of young people now, especially for the young girls who want to appear more and PD maintain slimness body. However, what the relationship between diet and karies ya? here I will try to explain a little. Basically the relationship between diet and karies very simple and easy to understand, some people who undergo healthy diet and healthy living berprilaku will decrease dental problems. so why, this is because the consumption of sugar in the body was reduced and consume more food with the material or natural sweetener such as fruits that are good for the body and for dental and oral health. When we consume fruits such as apples, apple indirectly will help to clean teeth naturally we can diibaratkan polish teeth, there are highly recommended to use the apple menu cover or replace your snak with fruit - fruit. In addition to our mouth and teeth healthy and we remain slim body. The relationship between diet and karies very closely related to the amount of sweetener or sugar consumption is consumed by our bodies, in fact God has created our teeth and mouth as a warning gate and a very extraordinary. How do not, if the food we consume is not good for the body or harmful gelaja that will appear on the visible areas around the mouth cavity, such as: tonsil, sariawan, lips broken - broken, karies, sore throat and others - others. then you know the food consumption. It is very advisable to go back to the simple pattern of life and return to nature. Feedback from now I leave the food with chemicals and Natural back. Just add: Remember cuisine with the processing of food MSG mengidikasikan less skilled work with a blend of cooking ingredients - ingredients that are available. When a chef or cook can prepare food and do not use the material feeler.