Rabu, 14 Januari 2009

Lets Get a Perfect Body…Girls

Do you will look healthy and fresh, when doing sports and maintain a regular pattern of eating nutritious. Maybe you want to get the body that contains more but the results are not visible, although you have to do sports and keep the food menu. This can happen because there are some small errors that you need to fix, see below. Make clear that sports program. If you often do fitness, try to ask the instructor how long you have to exercise every day and what the movement can be formed body. Any sport that becomes your choice, increase the intensity and porsinya 2 times than usual. If you are a normal practice with the dumbbell or ballast 2 kg then try to change the weight of 4 kg. But should be done gradually, not until your body injuries due to drastic changes. Make sports heating for 10 minutes, does not need to berlama-old, that important body musculature is ready to be moved and avoid cramps during sports later. Biasakan rest secukupnya course, after one set. When you have finished practice musculature the top of the body, cepatlah move to the bottom of the body, not too long time difference. This will burn more calories and work the heart will be more effective in pumping blood to all directions. Do sports that strengthen the heart, such as choosing up and down the stairs rather than using the elevator in the office. Kakilah way to buy lunch, this is you can make healthy heart. Choose exercise that you can move the whole body. Perform the exercise on the body that is rarely driven. If you wear shoes all day is entitled to the 'exhausting' feet, kurangilah portion of the exercise to concentrate on the thigh and calf. But you have to switch on the type of exercises that concentrate on the top of the body. Try a new sport such as rollerblade, or even climbing rafting. Types of exercise that is adventureous like this will make your spirit and enjoy the time berolah sport. If you always do the above, then in a short time your body will look more compact and contain fresh. Interested to try it out? (Perempuan.com)