Rabu, 14 Januari 2009

Maintaining Health in the Workplace

They were a lot of work behind the desk often complain concerning the condition of the body, began to weary-weary body weight is increased. If you are like, advice for berolah sport and start a regular pattern of life dilontarkan often by relatives or colleagues. But the bustle of the higher people do not have time to think the food will disantap especially for sport, the grace and simply filling disantap. For that reason that the body remains prime condition, there are several things you can do are: 1.Mengontrol food to be the first step that can be done, among others, with attention to how the composition will be healthy or even more if a stock's house (when in the office where you work is not available catering). Automatically, in addition to the womb knowing what is in your food, take stock of the house is also a step to scrimp on food and health is guaranteed. 2.Demikian also to reduce the snack and consume more water and white. 3.Fasilitas such as telephone, computer and internet, printer and others who are above the work table to make people rarely go from place duduknya. Auto body will make a rare move, and decreased body condition. Therefore occasionally beranjaklah's seat just to see the outside or to communicate with the other colleagues. 4.Ada good idea to use the stairs when the floor dituju are only one or two levels above / below. Calculate count this step could be a small sport that can be done. 5.Saat working with computers, with Sit upright position, do not stretch to cover to reach the key board or to read any posts on the screen. Often and often-changing body position or do peregangan on the hands, neck, legs and other muscles so that is not rigid.(Info-sehat)