Design is conducted to develop, build a system of acquisition data based on computer that is used for temperature measurement during thermohydraulic experiment at BETA Test Loop. As temperature transducer, it is used thermocouple of type K (Chromel-Alumel). Previous temperature measurement was done using an LCD indicator of Shimaden and the record was conducted manually. Then a new data acquisition is built with Visual Basic application program and an interface of AT-MIO-64F-5 from National Instruments. The result of design have earned to develop, build a system of acquisition data temperature spannedly measure 0 - 500 ° C, can give appearance information which interaktif namely in the form of number of channel parameter which are acquired, also facilitate the data reading because all result of measurement will be able to be presented on the computer display at realtime. Other advantage is the ability to save the data into hard disk in the form a file and could be called with Excel program to be processed furthermore in the form of tables or the graph to facilitate data analysis. It can be concluded that that the data acquisition system developed could give result satisfying as expected and applicable to assist experiment Keywords : design, acquisition system, computer, temperature. Kiswanta, Anhar R. Antariksawan; Bidang Analisis Resiko dan Mitigasi Kecelakaan (BARMiK) Pusat Pengembangan Teknologi Keselamatan Nuklir - BATAN.