Safety and health are the basic rights of the workers and one of the requirement to increased the
worker’s productivity. Beside that safety and health constitute requirement for winning free competition in the globalization and Asean Free Trade Agreement (AFTA), World Trade Organization (WTO) and Asia Pacific Economic Community (APEC). So that to followed free trade competition, safety and health program must be implemented in all working places. The ergonomics, not only increased the healthy and safety of the workers, but also increased the productivity. If the ergonomics safety and health can be implemented in the enterprises the safety and health and productivity of the workers will be increased. Although the implementation of the ergonomics safety and health principle in the enterprises had been applied and improved the healthy, safety and productivity of the workers but the implementation in the enterprises especially in the small and medium enterprises are still far from expectation. To find out the causes the observation study had been done during implementation of the ergonomics, safety and health program in small and mdium eneterprises in Bali since 1995. There are many obstacles were found such as: 1) the result of the ergonomics, safety and health implementation still in form of healthy, safety, comfort, efisien and the increases of productivity, but not yet showed in form of money (industrial language); 2) enterprises management took the lower priority to the ergonomics, safety and health program in operation of the enterprises; 3) the program of the ergonomics safety and health dominan in form of curative action compared with preventive and promotive; 4) other factors such as less of management and workers knowledge about safety and health, limited of capital, less of control and low enforcement of the government. So that the implementation of the ergonomics safety and health program should be attained the benefit in form of money not only to the workers but also to the enterprises. Control and low enforcement of the governement should be tightening and continued. Sutjana, D.P. Dept.of Physiology School of Medicine / Post Graduate Ergonomics Program Udayana University Jalan P.B.Sudirman Denpasar Bali. Keyword: safety and health, ergonomics, globalization, industrial language
worker’s productivity. Beside that safety and health constitute requirement for winning free competition in the globalization and Asean Free Trade Agreement (AFTA), World Trade Organization (WTO) and Asia Pacific Economic Community (APEC). So that to followed free trade competition, safety and health program must be implemented in all working places. The ergonomics, not only increased the healthy and safety of the workers, but also increased the productivity. If the ergonomics safety and health can be implemented in the enterprises the safety and health and productivity of the workers will be increased. Although the implementation of the ergonomics safety and health principle in the enterprises had been applied and improved the healthy, safety and productivity of the workers but the implementation in the enterprises especially in the small and medium enterprises are still far from expectation. To find out the causes the observation study had been done during implementation of the ergonomics, safety and health program in small and mdium eneterprises in Bali since 1995. There are many obstacles were found such as: 1) the result of the ergonomics, safety and health implementation still in form of healthy, safety, comfort, efisien and the increases of productivity, but not yet showed in form of money (industrial language); 2) enterprises management took the lower priority to the ergonomics, safety and health program in operation of the enterprises; 3) the program of the ergonomics safety and health dominan in form of curative action compared with preventive and promotive; 4) other factors such as less of management and workers knowledge about safety and health, limited of capital, less of control and low enforcement of the government. So that the implementation of the ergonomics safety and health program should be attained the benefit in form of money not only to the workers but also to the enterprises. Control and low enforcement of the governement should be tightening and continued. Sutjana, D.P. Dept.of Physiology School of Medicine / Post Graduate Ergonomics Program Udayana University Jalan P.B.Sudirman Denpasar Bali. Keyword: safety and health, ergonomics, globalization, industrial language