Download Askep Ante Natal Care
Antenatal Care
What are antenatal classes?Antenatal classes help you to prepare physically and emotionally for the birth of your baby. At the classes you can ask questions and explore the different ways in which you can give birth.
If you are a working mother you are entitled to paid time off to attend antenatal classes. Antenatal care is the key to healthy mothers and babies and it’s very important you attend your appointments.
When do I start having antenatal care?
After confirmation of your pregnancy your doctor will make arrangements for your antenatal care. Most women have their first and longest antenatal check- up between weeks 8 and 12 of pregnancy. The earlier you start attending antenatal check-ups the better. You should then attend antenatal check-ups once a month until 28 weeks, then twice a month until you are 36 weeks pregnant. During the last 4 weeks of your pregnancy you should go every week.
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