Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

Askep Efusi Pleura

Askep Efusi Pleura

Effusi Pleura adalah penimbunan cairan pada rongga pleura (Price & Wilson 2005).Pleura merupakan lapisan tipis yang mengandung kolagen dan jaringan elastis yang melapisi rongga dada (pleura parietalis) dan menyelubungi paru (pleura visceralis). Diantara pleura parietalis dan pleura.....Visit Site

Askep Efusi Pleura

A. Pengkajian
1. Anamnesis:
Pada umumnya tidak bergejala . Makin banyak cairan yang tertimbun makin cepat dan jelas timbulnya keluhan karena menyebabkan ....Visit Site

Efusi Pleura

Cairan dalam keadaan normal dalam rongga pleura bergerak dari kapiler didalam pleura parietalis ke ruang pleura dan kemudian diserap kembali melalui pleura visceralis. Selisih perbedaan absorpsi cairan pleura melalui pleura visceralis lebih.....Visit Site

Download Askep Efusi Pleura

Pleural effusion is an accumulation of fluid between the membranes lining the lungs and the chest cavity. Many diseases and medical conditions can cause pleural effusions, including congestive heart failure, pneumonia, infections, kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis and....Visit Site

Askep Efusi Pleura

Though not as common as other asbestos-disease-related side effects such as pleural thickening and pleural plaques, pleural effusions can cause pain or extreme discomfort. They can also be a sign of a serious disease such as asbestosis or malignant mesothelioma. If you believe a past employer or....Visit Site