Download Askep Hipertensi
Hypertension is an abnormal increase in systolic pressure over 140 mmHg or diastolic pressure 120 mmHg (Sharon, L. Rogen, 1996).
Hypertension is the increase in systolic blood pressure over 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure over 90 mmHg (Luckman Sorensen, 1996).
Hypertension is a condition in which an increase in systolic blood pressure 140 mm Hg or more and diastolic blood pressure 90 mmHg or more. (Barbara Hearrison 1997)
In general, hypertension has no specific cause. Hypertension occurs in response to increased cardiac output or increased peripheral pressure.
But there are several factors that influence the occurrence of hypertension :
- Genetic: nerologi response to stress or disorder eksresi or Na transport.
- Obesity: associated with high insulin levels resulting in increased blood pressure.
- Environmental Stress.
- The loss of tissue elasticity and arterisklerosis parents sertapelabaran blood vessels.
- Hypertension Essential (Primary)
The cause is unknown but many factors that influence such as genetics, environment, hyperactivity, sympathetic nervous system, angiotensin systemrennin, the effect of Na eksresi, obesity, smoking and stress. - SekunderDapat hypertension resulting from renal parenchymal disease / renal vakuler.
The use of oral contraceptive pills. Endocrine disorders, etc..
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