Osteoarthritis is a deterioration of the moving parts of the joints. In the hand, osteoarthritis most often affects the small joints of the fingers and the joint at the base of the thumb - the basal joint. This is sometimes referred to a degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease. Osteoarthritis is primarily treated by medical doctors, and may require treatment by an arthritis specialist. Medical resources on arthritic conditions are available through the American College of Rheumatology.
- The exact reason for developing osteoarthritis is not known.
- It is thought to be due to deterioration of the smooth layer of cartilage which covers the ends of the bones. The small joints of the fingers are prone to breakdown of this layer, which seems to self-destruct in some people early in life.
- It tends to run in families, and is probably a genetic condition in many people.
- Degenerative joint disease can also occur after injury, but the typical pattern of osteoarthritis is that the small joints of the fingers are affected, but the other joints of the hand are not.
- Osteoarthritis is different from other forms of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, gouty arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and others.
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