Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010

Writing Articles For Permanent Traffic

Writing articles is possibly the best way to generated free traffic to your site. A short article, submitted to a few places, creates permanent streams of traffic. Here are some of the ways articles bring traffic to your website:

1. Click-throughs from article banks. People read your articles at an article bank, and click on the link in the "author's resource box."

2. Search engine traffic. Search "cheap international plane tickets" on Google, and sites with my article will be in the results. Wherever the article is found, readers can click through to my travel site.

3. Other web sites. When my reports show a referral address I don't recognize, it's usually a web site that's using one of my articles.

Article Submission - The Basics

Submit your articles to article banks and newsletters. Article banks usually carry "free-distribution "articles, meaning anyone can use them for a site, newsletter or blog. They just can't change them, and they have to leave your link active. The link is in the "resource box," where you say something about yourself and invite the reader to visit your web site.

Post an article once, and it can spread, creating permanent streams of traffic. Why permanent? Here's an example: I get search traffic for "mexico real estate" on my site HousesUnderFiftyThousand.com because of an article I used. The author gets clicks through to her site, but I get traffic - and revenue - so I'll never remove that article.

The Easiest Article Writing

Article writing isn't just for writers. Online articles are short and less formal than magazine articles anyhow, but if you really don't like writing, try a "list-article." This is the most popular type of article online, which is fortunate, because it's also the easiest type to write.

For a site about making money on Ebay, you could write an article titled "The Top Ten Sellers On Ebay." A short introduction, a list with a sentence or two about each item, a bit about yourself and a link to your site, and you're done. Write "Six Mistakes People Make On Ebay," and we need to read that to avoid the mistakes, right?

Some article banks charge fees, but there are many that are free. There are also more ways to generate traffic with your articles. That's this article's "tease" to get you to the site.

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