Rabu, 10 November 2010
5 Habits That Changed Need To Stay Beautiful Skin
5 Habits That Changed Need To Stay Beautiful Skin
5 Habits That Changed Need To Stay Beautiful Skin
Did you know that wrinkles, eye bags, and skin redness caused not only by the sun or genetic? The little things you do every day could be the cause of it all. To get beautiful skin and good, probably just need to alter the activities of your small daily course.
Here are tips given by Mary P. Lupo, MD, a dermatologist from New Orleans, USA:
1. Habit Exfoliate facial skin with granules (Scrubs) of hard materials that can damage the skin. Sometimes there are several manufacturers of beauty products has eksfoliator items like mashed shellfish, nuts, or seeds. Unfortunately, these objects are still occasionally have sharp corners, and not infrequently injure the skin.
We recommend that you replace with a small scrub and round. David Bank, MD, a dermatologist from Mt. Kisco, New York, said, if you have sensitive skin, try using eksfoliator of baking soda. Simply mix baking soda with enough water to become a paste. Then use a scrub.
2. Habits shower or bathe with warm water / hot for too long can erode the skin. Too long a shower with hot water can make a layer of lipids (a binder that makes skin cells remain moist) to be eroded. Indeed, a few hours later, the lipid will be formed again, but during the process, the body moisture lost in considerable amounts. Not to mention if the water contains chlorine which can make skin dry and irritated skin. If you do have to take a bath with hot water, keep no more than 10 minutes, for the sake of keeping the skin fresh and moist.
3. Routine checks to an ophthalmologist. Repetitive muscle movements such as frowning, can cause wrinkles or fine lines while (in between eyebrows and on the outside of the eye) become permanent. Many women do not realize that they have their eyes checked regularly, at least once every two years. Especially when they start to realize that they have difficulty seeing, without knowing we're going to wince, to produce wrinkles. Whether you're starting to feel there is something wrong with the vision or not, your eyes should be routinely checked. Do not be too embarrassed to wear sunglasses when outside the room at noon. In addition to avoid wrinkles, and also to prevent cataracts that can result from exposure to direct sunlight exposed and often.
4. Habits hair after washing your face in the morning? Should change this habit. Why? Because unconsciously, hair styling products can be lodged in children's hair, which is around the face. In the end, there will be acne around the child's hair and clogged pores due to hairstylist products. Steps that should be done is, if you've shampooed the night, Arrange hair in the morning. Perform hair first, then clean your face. If this is inconvenient, you can clean up after the facial hair with special wipes for the baby's face or before using the make-up.
5. Sleeping sideways. If you're like most people are awakened by an alarm, but not directly on the move, most likely you will still face in the pillow pressed briefly. Gravity can cause fluid to collect in the bottom of the eye, causing swelling under the eyes. When this happens every day, there would have been lower eyelids.
Those who sleep sideways also tend to have wrinkles. The lines due to the sheets are left in the face, if it happens every day will become permanent. Because the folds or wrinkles that occur every day and constantly causing damage collagen. It is better you try to train yourself to sleep on their backs. Should try to sleep using a travel pillow that looks like a horseshoe. Or, place a small pillow at the bottom of the knee. This will give your spine neutral ante and makes you not want to turn around. The experts also recommended to change the sheets with a rare silk sheets clot, so that will not leave streaks on your face.
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