Senin, 14 Februari 2011

295 World Have Eksabit Data Storage Capacity

CALIFORNIA - Studies show that the world has at least approximately 295 eksabit capacity for data storage . " This figure includes the amount of space we can store, communicate for a variety of digital and analog devices, " said the researchers from the University of Southern California. Similarly , as quoted from PC Authority , Sunday ( 13 / 2 / 2011 ) . As a comparison measure , one gigabit is one billion eksabit. In 2007 , 94 percent of the world ' s information is in digital form. In that year , 1 , 9 zetabit data transmitted via broadcast technology, and for two - way communication system, such as mobile phones , sending 65 eksabit data. " The amount of this figure is very impressive , but still small when compared with the large number , how natural to handle the information, " said Martin Hilbert , author of the study. " Now the ability of information processing technology in the world is growing , " added Hilbert. According to a report carried out by Hilbert and colleagues - colleagues , between 1986 to 2007 , global computing capacity has grown by 58 percent annually .

posted by: wong goblog

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