Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

Laser Projector Got Going Hollywood

LAS VEGAS - Building the Kodak Theater will be a new technological presence in the field of film . Mashyur conference hall, will soon bring laser - based projection technology. Kodak has received permission from FDA Variance, to develop the laser cinema projection technology. Later in the presence of this laser technology, will grow new businesses in the form of digital cinema . Technology originally developed laser projector design firm Barco has sent a large - screen visual technology, DLP Cinema 4 K , a digital cinema projector for the Cinemark Theatre . ''We hope the projector - based laser technology is more cost effective , compared to a digital projector that is currently in theaters , ''said Les Moore, Chief Operating Officer for Kodak Digital Cinema . , As reported by Hollywood Scope on Friday ( 25 / 2 / 2011 ) . Laser projector technology is certainly more promising to show 3 D badly needed a bright screen . With this laser projection , screen brightness level higher than current technologies in common use. Now there are 22 thousand digital projectors installed worldwide . But no longer will appear laser projector that supposedly cleaner picture .

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