Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Chronology of Japan ' s Tsunami Earthquake

Tokyo : An earthquake measuring 8 , 9 on the Richter Scale that followed the Tsunami on the coast of northeastern Japan, has devastated some areas of the State Sakura . A moment later, Japan' s Meteorological Agency issued a tsunami warning for the entire east coast of Japan facing the Pacific Ocean, including 20 countries that come into contact with the ocean . Chronology of strong earthquake shaking begins at 14 . 46 local time. Large vortex then look appeared on the Sea of Japan facing the Pacific Ocean. This is sure going to happen Tsunami . About 30 minutes later there aftershocks measuring 7 , 4 SR . Japan Meteorological Agency then issued a tsunami warning for the entire east coast of Japan , which overlooks the Pacific Ocean, including 20 countries in direct contact with the ocean . A number of Indonesian territory is included . In the video the local television station , seen by tsunami waves swept the downtown area and dragging the vehicles on the streets . Thousands of vehicles swept away along with other materials . The tsunami also swept the industrial estates and settlements . A number of aftershocks in the vicinity of the center of the quake triggered a second tsunami . Pictures from local television showed the wall of roaring water waves of the sea to the mainland. Agricultural region in Sendai, swept by ocean waves that carry debris .

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