Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Current Bestsellers games 'Guitar Hero III'

CALIFORNIA - National Purchase Diary(NPD) Group released a list of 10 gamescurrent best-selling, which Guitar Hero IIIoccupied the number one position.Game 'Guitar Hero II: Legends of Rocks'already reaping the benefits ofUSD830, 9 million since it was firstlaunched in 2007. Top listbest-selling game was also followed bygame Call of Duty: Black Ops and Wii Fit.Similarly, as quoted from the USAToday, Tuesday (29/03/2011).List of best-selling game released byNPD Group is dominated by twopublishers, namely Activision and Nintendo.Game publisher Activision and beyondNintendo is entered in this list is'Rock Band' from MTV Games andHarmonix Music Systems.Here is a list of current top-selling gameversion of the NPD Groups,1. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock2. Call of Duty: Black Ops3. Wii Fit4. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 25. Rock Band6. Wii Play7. Guitar Hero World Tour8. Wii Fit Plus9. Mario Kart Wii10. Call of Duty 4: Modern WarfareRanking of the game Black Ops enoughimpressive, considering the age gamestill young (launched in November2010).Consumer News and Business Channel(CNBC) reported that the game Call ofDuty: Black Ops has been reaping thebenefitsamounting to USD787, 4 million inFebruary 2011.

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