Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

GMU Candidate Veterinarians Discover Bird Flu Vaccine

JAKARTA - The candidate veterinarian from the University of Gadjah Mada (UGM ) is able to find antiviral bird flu vaccine from Mahkota Dewa fruit extract. Initially , Artina Prastiwi , students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ( FKH ) GMU , admitted fret over the epidemic of bird flu virus or Avian Influenza ( AI) H 5 N 1 , especially in the poultry environment . For, not only material losses , the poultry farmers are also at risk of contracting bird flu virus from domestic birds to them . " Many ranchers are not memvaksin poultry because of the price of chemical AI vaccine on the market is quite expensive . The price is set at 200 thousand dollars for 100 doses , " said Artina as quoted from the GMU website on Friday ( 4 / 3 / 2011 ) . Creativity is also covered girls arise . He is researching the potential of Mahkota Dewa fruit as antivirus AI. Scientifically, the fruit was named Latin Phaleria macrocarpa has indeed been proven to increase endurance . " In addition to improving immunity and vitality , saponin content in the fruit crown god can also be used as an antibacterial and antiviral , " he added . How to manufacture bird flu antiviral mengeketraksi fruit begins with the gods crown through the distillation process. Artina start out by weighing the crown of the gods according to extract the required dosage. He gave an example , 10 ml dose required 100 grams dried fruit gods crown per 100ml of water or multiples thereof, ie 100gr per 1 . 000ml . So , do refining to get the gods crown fruit extract rich in saponins compounds. Sapoin extract must contain 10 percent . " The results obtained saponin is used as a raw material that is as a solvent suspense AI virus antigen . Then that is used as a vaccine is to extract the crown of the god of 0 , 2 ml , " he explained. Gunungkidul virgin birth , January 26, 1989 , was later tested a homemade vaccine to 30 embryonated chicken eggs which have been given the AI virus ; add antivirus saponin yield 10 , 15, and 20 percent of the gods crown extract 0 , 2 ml , and incubated for 35 days. In the group of eggs which were given an additional 10 percent of known saponins embryos do not die , healthy and without injury . Meanwhile , all embryos injected eggs that higher doses were accompanied by bleeding to death with the whole body , dwarfism, and alantois turbid fluid. " Ten percent is the best result to prevent the bird flu virus . This proves that the saponin concentration used should be appropriate because the can cause poisoning if given in large doses, " said the couple' s daughter Sugita and Wartinah it. Alumnus SMA 1 Wonosari then continue testing the chickens aged less than 21 days . Apparently, all the chickens that were given the vaccine did not die . The vaccine has been tested in laboratory scale was shown to inhibit the development of the bird flu virus to 87 percent . Not only that , Artina - made vaccine is also less expensive than the vaccine that is now sold in the market . Per 100 doses of AI vaccines gods crown fruit sold for only USD 75 thousand, while the chemical vaccine cost Rp 200 thousand for the same dose. However, in order to mass produced, the vaccine still must be examined further in order to know the exact results. Research student of 2007 is set out in a scientific paper titled Infusion Extracts Antiviral Activity Test Mahkota Dewa ( Phaleria macrocarpa) In ovo In Inhibition of virus replication H 5 n 1 As an Organic Vaccine Pioneer At Asia. His paper managed to become the first winner in the competition Indonesian Society Scientists and Technology (MITI ) Paper Challenge (MPC ) in 2011 on 29 January last . Artina set aside 96 other studies . Achieved second ranking students from Airlangga University , and the team occupied the third position of University of Indonesia. Amazingly , the invention Artina internationally acclaimed. Evidence , on March 19 to 20 next Artina vaccine in the seminar will present the International Annual Meeting of Science and Technology Studies ( AMSTECS) in Japan .(okezone)

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