Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

Google Satellite Images Reveal Fierce Japan Tsunami

Internet giant Google and space agency NASA released satellite images showing the devastating impact of disasters in Japan . Public can see the state of the region before and after the tsunami hit . Google works with satellite imagery company GeoEye , launch a similar picture and can be seen via Google Earth or Picassa Web. Visible example of a waterfront area to pre- tsunami seemed orderly and greenish, helter skelter after waves beat. Ryan Falor , a member of Google ' s Crisis Response Team, stated that the purpose of publishing these pictures is to help the organization that is plunging the country launched a humanitarian action that Sakura . " We hope the new updates of satellite images are useful to them and others who follow these events , to help illustrate the extent of damage, " he said , reported by Computerworld and quoted on Wednesday ( 16 / 3 / 2011 ) . " You can also follow @ earthoutreach on Twitter to stay updated with this mapping effort , " he added . It contains an account at Twitter updates info about any satellite images which have been added by Google . While NASA uses an instrument called Multi - angle Imaging Spectroradiometer on the Terra plane to show the chaos caused by the tsunami in Japan . So far , already thousands of casualties and the predicted fall therefore continue to grow.

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