Kamis, 10 Maret 2011
Google Showcase Car Without Driver
London: Google for the first time demonstrate that drove his own vehicle without a driver . Internet giant had already confirmed the existence of the Toyota Prius is made automatically, and Google launched the system at the TED conference in Long Beach, California. One car carrying volunteers around the circuit conical fast moving technology when it is exhibited . Sebastian Thurn Head software engineer said that the driver is set up goals and a car will calculate the route and drive it yourself. Vehicles that use a laser range finder and video cameras to detect traffic , and specify the map to find your way from one point to another . But, at TED on Saturday , the car underwent a programmed route with a performance that is set to be more aggressive. Google last year to make controversy after their staff tested a car without a driver on the streets of California. Google is able to record notes that car travel as far more than the 140. 000 miles in the state with auto pilot. There are staff in the car , but their hands are not driving the vehicle. Cars Auto Toyota Prius was traveling from the Google headquarters in Mountain View, Northern California, the Pacific Coast Highway which is famous for its beautiful scenery towards Santa Monica. They were also driven along the Golden Gate Bridge and took to the streets Lombar in San Francisco , one of the streets and most cornering tercuram in the country . Sebastian said that seven cars that have a funnel- like cylinders in the roof - - serves as " eyes" have to take 1 . 000 miles at a time without the input of human hands . The researchers claim that artificial intelligence technology could eventually reduce by half of 1 . 2 million lives who die every year due to a collision in the entire world . Speed limit for each road included in the database . So far , according to Google , the trip is free from accidents . The only incident was the car driven by man crashed into the back of the Prius without a driver .
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