Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Khadafi muster Army Pay To Mute Rebellion

Dakar: After decades of finance and train the rebels and the movement - the liberation movement , Libyan leader Muammar Kadhafi accused of using its influence to mobilize mercenaries from the region of sub - Saharan Africa, in order to dampen the insurgency in his country . On Conflicts in Liberia, Sierra Lenoe, Uganda , Chad , Mali and Zimbabwe , no doubt insurgent groups get funding , training, or support of Muammar Gaddafi , AFP reported . There alleged Gaddafi also recruited 25. 000 mercenaries to sabotage the popular uprising against his regime . Chairman of the Libyan League for Human Rights said Ali Zeidan Chad led a group of foreign fighters. They consist of nationals of Niger, Mali , Zimbabwe and Liberia who are paid between 300 to 2 . 000 U . S . dollar per day. An official at Mali has confirmed hundreds of young people from Mali and Niger Tuareg recruited Kadhafi . Ag Abdou Salam Assalat , president of the Regional Assembly of the Left Mali also said many young people who go to Libya) . Added to him , regional authorities tried to prevent a number of former rebels to go to Libya . " But their efforts failed , because they (former rebels ) are more interested in the dollar , " said Salam . Kadhafi to play an important role in ending Taureg rebellion in Mali and Niger in October 2009 , deliberately distributes hundreds of millions of dollars to the rebels . " At least 3 . 000 former fighters wandered Taureg wild since 2009 so it is not surprising that some were recruited Kadhafi to whom they are deeply indebted, " said the source Taureg in Niger who did not want her identity disclosed . Kadhafi was also allegedly spending millions of U . S . dollars to support the rebel National Resistance Army of Uganda , Revolutionary United Front ( RUF) of Sierra Leone and former Liberian president Charles Taylor who is currently on trial at The Hague. (liputan 6)

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