Rabu, 23 Maret 2011
Liquid Radio, Bandwidth Optimizer Technology
In the event Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association ( CTIA) Wireless 2011 , Nokia Siemens Networks introduces a new architecture for mobile networks . Unlike the previous technology, the technology called Liquid Radio is able to drain the capacity of broadband to the most needy . Thus , network resources will be more efficient due to distribution and redistribution of capacity based on user needs . " Liquid is not confined , so it can flow to fill any gaps or spaces , " said Thorsten Robrecht , Head of Network Systems Product Management , Nokia Siemens Networks , as quoted by the Connected Planet , Wednesday , March 23, 2011 . In the same way , Robrecht mentions , architectures Liquid Radio eliminate all barriers in the traditional mobile broadband network . " It ' s useful to overcome the fluctuations in traffic due to the movement of users on the network, " he said . Robrecht explained, the core of the Liquid Radio is the ability to respond to fluctuating demand in the current network with a technique known as ' baseband pooling ' . This approach focuses resources required to perform the function - a common processing functions at each base station in one particular area . ' Baseband pooling ' help realize the sharing of resources more cost effective in a wide geographic area . This architecture uses Multiradio Flexi Antenna system based active antenna technology that combines antenna and radio parts in a container of functional , built with power amplifier for each antenna element. Active antenna allows beamforming ( the formation of wave files ) - - which focuses on a particular radio connection and diverted it to the user - specific - as well as handle multiple technologies in one unit . Together with layers - a layer of other coverage provided by the site configuration macro , pico and micro , beamforming enables capacity directed to place the desired user , resulting in the addition of capacity by 65 percent . " We predict , the demand for increased network capacity up to 1 GB per user one day, " says Robrecht . " If it happens, it not only requires a very large network investments, but also a unique combination of different base station sites for a wide range of areas , " he said .
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