Jumat, 01 April 2011
3D TV Technology FPR
seoul: Watch impressionsthree dimensions is exciting. Moreover,now appears that television can display3D image. We seemed to be brought intostories and engaging in viewing it. Butrecently emerged many complaints againstcomfort glasses should be usedto watch the 3D show.Besides weight, the special 3D glassesusing old technology was lessconvenient because it makes the eyes tired, dizzy,and nausea. The quality of images we seefeels less than the maximum, becausespectator can not move freely withglasses are worn.Slight shifts only, the picture qualityless clear and less sharp. Even wheneye or head tilt or move ourwatch with sleeping or resting position insofa, the picture is viewed will be dark.Not to mention, the old technology in glasses3D must use a cable toconnected the glasses with the planetelevision.But now, the complaints can be resolvedwith the presence of FPR technology for3D glasses. With this latest technology3D glasses into a lighter which is 14gram. Compare with 3D glassesSG technology that weighs 40 grams.Glasses with a lighter FPR technologybecause it is made of thin plastic material.Watch a three-dimensional impressionsFPR glasses also become more comfortablebecause these glasses are very flexible. Wecan move freely while watching and3D display quality is unchanged.Glasses FPR also does not requirecables that connect it withtelevision set.FPR any form of 3D glasses can be mademore stylish and even now therein the form of the fold, which can be attached toyour glasses everyday, so canopened and closed as necessary. TheNo less important is the price is much morecheap. The whole family canhave it so no need to rushwhen watching 3D."So in addition to lightweight and flexible, glassesFPR is also cheaper. You can buyfor the whole family, "said HoYoung Chang, marketing manager LCD TVfor Asia, when interviewedLiputan6.com SCTV, Monday (21 / 3) in the officeLG Electtronics center, in the Seoul areaSquare, Jung-Gu, Seoul.Now a number of companies producingTelevision has been using 3D techteknolofi FPR, including LG Electronics,Phiplips, Vizio, and a number of aircraft productstelevision from China. Sony reportedly will alsoFPR using this technology.In Indonesia, a number of aircraft products3D television has begun to circulate, whileLG Electronics will launch3D television products in Aprilfuture. Television set is at onceapplying smart technology TV, whichallows its usersdirectly connected to the Internet.
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