Minggu, 10 April 2011
Acer M3920, Desktop Sandy Bridge 2TB Memory
Acer may have been better known as a suppliernotebooks and netbooks, but they do not ignore the segmentdesktop. Especially when they plan to spendThe new desktop computer.Computer in question is the Aspire M3920, which is stillAspire part of the family and use one processorThe second generation of Intel's most recent, ie Sandy Bridge.Meanwhile, for the room penyimpannya, Acer providesup to 2TB.Launched by Softpedia, Friday (4/8/2011), not only that,desktop from Acer is also present optical disc drive (ODD),for multimedia playback or store external data(DVD and Blu-ray units are both available).In addition, this desktop uses an Intel motherboard and H67packaged in an all-black chassis designquite simple.As for connectivity and I / O, mainboard itselfprovides a variety of things, such as multi-card reader, GigabitEthernet and wifi 802.11 b / g / n.Aspire M3920 desktop computer will dibanderol hargasapproximately 499 euros in Europe. The operating system isloaded onto itis Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit.
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