Senin, 18 April 2011

Apple 'Killer World Wide Web '

CALIFORNIA - Roger MacNamee, abusinessman who has invested heavilyPalm and up in the past, has beensaid that Apple wonbattle with Google forInternet.MacNamee said in 2009 isbeginning of Apple's success withiPhone, Apple has considered thepremium model focusedfor the application, whereas Google is moreto the index-based approachstagnant.MacNamee, in an interviewwith CNBC, which launched Sunday(17/04/2011), said that the reasonGoogle is the dependence of stagnationWorld Wide Web in HTML - which"Has not changed for a decade."Apple's approach with applicationsInternet-based is a far moreinnovative, he said, and the popularity of the iPhoneand iPad means that companiesCupertino began to wrest control ofGoogle, a company that has beendominate the web for many yearsnow."Currently Apple just kill the WorldWide Web by adapting iPad andiPhone which has sold nearly 100 millionunits this year. I mean, these numbersa surprising number, "saidMacNamee.Apple also took the fight rivalOther tradtional such as Microsoft,MacNamee opinion. "This isyear in which Microsoft has fallen inbelow 50 percent of the devicesinternet connection, down from 97 percent10 years ago, "he said.According MacNamee, Windows willentering the cycle of decline, whereasApple will come forward with IPAD2. IPad success and approachApple through which applications will focussee the company lead a10-yearly cycle of growthcompany and a technology industryoverall.

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