Jumat, 22 April 2011

Galaxy Pro and Galaxy S Super

Samsung indicationAndroid phones increasingly become a market leader inIndonesia seems to have seen. Travelis still long, but Samsung ElectronicsIndonesia can not keep quiet. After releasing fourGalaxy series (Ace, Mini, Gio, and the Fit), todayreleased two different series with fourearlier series.They are the new forces, such as Samsung Galaxy Prowhich has two input (touch screen and QWERTY) andSamsung Galaxy S Super Clear LCD. Both will enlivenAndroid groups.Galaxy Pro for example, came to provide a lure forstill like to manually type the key. The design is pretty sexy and hasFroyo use Android OS. The concept of SNS (Social NetworkingService) seems to want to put forward by this series. The fact thatwe can see other than the use of the earlier type, also Samsunghas offered an instant messeging own nameSamsung IM. In addition, this series is also expected to be muchused to exploit new application called WhatsAppthe latter mentioned will be a killer applicationBBM (BlackBerry Messenger). Because, with this application,whichevena number of features exceeds the fuel-everyone can bemutuallyconnectwith conversation texts indiscriminately. iPhone,Nokia, Samsung, or any of its products will be easy to dochat. This is because WhatsApp not require special ID or PIN,but using the phone number.Galaxy Pro is strengthened by the processor enough for its class,of 800 MHz. 3 MP resolution camera into other partsof reliable power. Width of 512 MB memory withadditional memory card that could swallow up to 32 dataGB. Got a 2.8-inch wide screen, but the technology usedstill resistive.While the successor to Galaxy S sales outstanding carriedby S Galaxy which now diembel-arbitration Super Clear LCD. Yes,power quality 4-inch wide screen that became the spearhead ofthe seriesthis. Display screens are brighter, due to the reflection factorrefeksireduced light, and a faster response when youdo input. This will appear when you are running.While ketajam screen can be proven when playing videoshigh definition (HD).Improved the display sector is also supported by technologyMDNIE aka Mobile Digital Natural Image Engine), which is usedon the many flat screen televisions (LCD and LED) Samsung namedDLNE.This series has a higher processor of course. Ie 1 GHzwith two memory options 4 GB and 16 GB. Both are stillseconded by the memory card.Galaxy S Super Clear LCD are a series of high end. ThenBluetooth was also using the latest version (3.0), 5 MP camera,and be able to read almost all video and audio formats.This series uses OS Froyo.In the concept of Samsung, the mobile-phone alreadyintegrated with other Samsung devices. That featurenamed All Share via DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance).Thus, photos, video, or any data can share theother devices.Samsung wants to close all sub-categories of Android phones.And,facts have spoken. This year the six products had arrived.Just waiting for the next variant Galaxy Tab. Eka Anwar, Headof Marketing, Business HHP Samsung Electronics Indonesiamention that the sale of Galaxy Tab quite successful. "Far from10 thousand units, "he said.

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