Kamis, 07 April 2011

Google Cloud Music Applications Revealed

CALIFORNIA - Do not want to lose toAmazon, the internet giant Google alsoindicate will release applicationcloud-based music in the near future.An application of cloud-music servicereported to appear in the Android Marketversion of the developer. Although not yet live, manyparty believes that applications will soonintroduced. Thus was launchedTelegraph, on Thursday (04/07/2011).Digital music specialist sites Music Allyclaims, there were a number of peoplethat use that application. "Theyapplication rate was very impressiveas well as richer featurescompared to Amazon's music service cloudtoday, "wrote Music Ally.Last week, Amazon's Google surpriseand Apple by launching servicemusic cloud, Cloud Player, whichallows users to savetheir entire music collection onlineand access them from variousdevice.Meanwhile, the tech site Engadgetassess applications Google is very similar musicwith Android Music Player which hasexist today. "Appearance of this applicationalmost the same as Android MusicPlayer. While the menu has been settingenriched with various optionsstreaming. ""Android Market is also a bit of his ownchange, where the developer versioninclude some surprises likecamera application and a new clock, "Engadget cap.

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