Minggu, 17 April 2011
Google Doodle Serve Video Charlie Chaplin
JAKARTA - The Day of the birth of CharlieChaplinnewindeed celebrated on 16 April.But Google has begun celebrationsby presenting a videotribute to British comic actor.The man named Sir Charles Spencer ChaplinIt is a famous actor in the film erawithout a voice and become a movie starknown before the end of world warfirst. He relies on expression andslapstik movement to create acomedy and convey the message.His role has remained popular despiteentered the era of sound film.With the capital stick, hat, and amustache typical of the Nazi leader, Hitler,Chaplinwho was born on 16 April 1889 harvestgood success for the film and book.Even in 1999, The American LifeInstitute include Chaplin inlist of 10 Great Film Actors ThroughoutPeriod.This year is the anniversary of Chaplinth-122 if he is still alive.Unfortunately he has died at 25December 1977, or when he was aged88.Video duration of almost 5 minutesshowing the figure of Chaplin, whoplayed by others, are in twosets as well, which sets the room paintedanda garden where there was a womanseller cupcakes. Remarkably, in eachit sets the Google logo is always decorate.Even videos also show earlyChaplin was reading the newspaper Google.Do not miss the typical songaccompany and video notificationsindicating association withYouTube.After the video is completed, GoogleDirect drive visitors tosearch results that contain all thingsabout Charlie Chaplin. On topsurely there is a version of Charlie's SimpleChaplin.
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