Rabu, 06 April 2011
google lyrics to Test Robot Competition Cloud Computing
, Something's differentfrom RoboGames this year. One of themcategory requires participants complainpower of robots usingcontrol through cloud computing. Googlebecame the main sponsor in that categorythis.Thus disclosed by Chairman TimDigital Robotics, Yusrilla Kerlooza timetalking with a moment detikINETbefore the visit to the United States.According to this brand-new category to be testedtry google will cloud the abilitycomputingnya."The category is '3 kg Network Sumo '.Maximum robot which weighs 3 kilogramscontrolled wirelessly via a connectionInternet (cloud computing). Perhaps thisone way to test googlecomputingnya cloud capabilities. Ismany are able to accommodate orderssimultaneously. This may loh ya, because thisnew and we do not yet know what, "he explained.According to the Yus, so this man familiarcalled, basically technologycontrolling via cloud computing alreadyapplied in several industries in the state-developed countries. But still limited andnot measurable abilities. So wrongone major focus in the category in googleRoboGames this year is to finalizecloud computing technology."Although there but the possibilitygoogle wants control technology viacloud computing can be more maturerather than direct communication via satellite orlow-frequency radio. Possibilitycontrol network into something moremature, "he explained S3 ITB graduates.Category '3 kg Network Sumo 'is aopen category. Robots will competestrength in the arena like sportsSumo. Who would survive in the arena,That's the winner."The point is to encourage each other robotopponent to get out of the arena, the withdrawalSumo. However, manually controlledby the operator, "he said.The challenge in this category, according Yusis control via the internet which hasresponse time is unpredictable.Difficult dipredikasi resulting fromreceipt of data collision or an error codecommand and so forth."Well, my friends here to try techniquesencryption code control commands an easy-I hope that is more compact in sizerapidly to the robot and quite difficult tocompromised, "he explained.RUST So MainstayFor this category, the team lowered WELCOMEThe new robot is made by 3 weeks agoRoboGames veteran namely Rodi Hartonoand Tufiq N Nizar. This robot actuallyutilize existing material, eventend to use second-hand goods.Frames made from discarded toysreinforced steel bars from the shelf copotanfolding chairs are welded by an amateur.Combined standard circuitwith wifi module. While the modulecontrol of the sticks playstationmodified total."Body of plastic and metal plate whichcoincidence pattern artistic carat, so thatexposed with clear spray paint. ThatRUST why we call, "he explained.Being asked whether he could optimisticbe a champion in this new category, Yusadmitted confused. "At 3kg Sumo Networkwho have never seen adirect game, so Ido not know necessarily optimistic or pessimistic, "Even so, UNIKOM not withoutpreparatory course to join the competitionthem. Two years ago UNIKOM successfullyshocking the nation. First timefollowing the worldwide competition andwith robots that are made with materialpotluck but to be champions. HopefullyWELCOME to have won the title forThis new category.WELCOME robotics team will follow tworobotic competition world-class in AmericaStates. The team consisting of YusrillaKerlooza as team leader and Taufiq NNizar as faculty adviser andThey will compete in 18 th TrinityCollege Fire Fighting Home Robot Contest,Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut onApril 9 to 10 and connected again in 2011RoboGames, San Mateo, California on15 to 17 April.
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