Minggu, 24 April 2011
The look of Windows 8
Microsoft hasprepare systemgeneration operationsupposedly nextWindows named8. Preview versionWindows 8 has been released for thepartnersdevelopers. However, somebocorannya has reached the media.One is the user interfacefeature called the ribbon. Looks likemenus that have been used inMicrosoft Office. Menu drop down menureplaced with a toolbar at the top.Originally designed in Office Ribbonfor features that have easily accessibleso users more productive.However, users ribbon on viewoperating system must have a purposedifferent. One of them makes it easyuser's screen-based devicestouch. Previously, Microsoft didstating that the Windows versionThe next will fully supporttablet device.However, this ribbon display yetsure whether it will be used in versionfinal. Judging from its shape, this stillearly development stage and notthe final version which will use Microsoft.In addition to the ribbon feature, the userinterface of Windows8, also featuring the Metro designused in Windows Phone. Usersinterface displays the hours and days,including power management and iconsease of access to the application.
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