Minggu, 24 April 2011

Mercedes GP Forward Step Over

Brackley - Nico Rosberg admitted satisfiedwith the performanceditunjukannyain Chinese GP weekend. Viewrecording race, young rider from Germanythat hadlead the way race even though he is onlyable totouched the finish line in fifth.Although no podium, Rosberg admitted hisplan to walkaccordance with original expectations."Racing on Sunday wasGrand Prix is ​​one of the most interestingI've everfollow, "said Rosberg in the crash on Sunday(04/24/2011)"It took a few moments after the race tomeresapai resultsthis, because I have high expectations toreach the podiumgood and I have led the quarter inrace, "said Rosberg still lament its failurebecause his team did not calculate withprecision mature materialfuel use in Chinese GP last."I can not blame anyone in the teambecauseshortages of fuel, it's a lesson we shouldlearntogether, "said Rosberg. "We should behappymakea step forward in China that has beenachieved by allthanks people work very hard. My attitude isalways the same,that is we win and lose together as ateam, "said Rosberg.And, ahead of the Turkish Grand Prix whichtook place May 8, 2011 nextRosberg mengungkapka will meet at theBrackley team elementto conduct evaluations in three series thathas lastedand then patch the deficiencies in the variouslines."After Easter, I will visit the headquarters inBrackley formet with the team and see what we'velearnedin the first three races and what we could dobefore the European season in starting. Weall want to dofurther improvements and we have workedvery hard toachieve this. There is a positive feelingwithin the team and I am verymotivated, "Rosberg finished.

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