Selasa, 12 April 2011

Reach Innity Ad Position One Network in Southeast Asia

JAKARTA - Latest comScore ReportPlacing Innity As Ad NetworkSoutheast Asia's leading. Innityas the largest ad network in Indonesia,has successfully reached more than 77percent of the total usersInternet.As a leading ad networkSoutheast Asia, ranks Innityover the last comScore report,which shows that Innityis an ad network that mostprominent in the region.The company has also implementedtagging technology from comScore thatallows web tags to be placedin the website content from publishersparticipating, ad networks, andcontent creators, which in turnwill be tracked by comScore server everytimes the content with tags is accessed,thus ensuring accuracy inreport.Particularly in Indonesia, occupies Innitysequence number one as an ad networkwhere the largest according to the report,Innityreaches more than 77 percent of the 9.2million total population of Internet users inIndonesia.Besides Indonesia, occupies also Innitytop positions for the territory of Vietnam,Malaysia and Singapore, withattainment by 85 percent, 75.5percent, and 78 percent of the totaloverall Internet users in theirrespective countries."We are very confident of the potential andThe increasing dynamism inSoutheast Asian region. Assessment ofcomScore strengthens our positionas a leader in technology inthis industry. Innity will continue to provideinteractive marketing solutions that bestand innovative to meet the needs ofmarketers "said Phang Chee Leong,Innity CEO, as quoted byofficial statement on Tuesday

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