Minggu, 10 April 2011
Robot Master Champion in the U.S. RoboWaiter
Bandung, happy newscome from the United States. Robotics teamWELCOME, Bandung, has won aRoboWaiter category on 18th championshipTrinity College Fire Fighting Home RobotContest in Hartford, Connecticut.In a short message received bydetikINET, Digital Robotics Team Leader,Yusrilla Kerlooza said that his teammanaged to become a champion in the advanced classand the champion in class 1 and 2 standards inRoboWaiter category.Yus, close calls this man, saythanks to all those who havesupport and prayers of pleadingall the Indonesian people for the team to beretain title in the competitionothers, 2011 RoboGames in San Mateo, USA."Thank you for your prayers and support. StillPlease pray for the seven other robots in 2011RoboGames, Friday-Sunday (April 15 to 172011) in San Mateo, USA, "he wrote.WELCOME again this year sent a teamrobotikanya to compete in the eventInternational robotics kejuaraaanUnited States. Not only competed in the 18 thTrinity College Fire Fighting Home RobotContest, the team also will compete in 2011RoboGames.In these two competitions, robotics team WELCOMEbring 10 robots. Three robotsprepared to follow the matchon 18 th Trinity College Fire Fighting HomeRobot Contest and seven robots preparedto compete in the 2011 RoboGames.Tenth-made robot is WELCOMERWS is the DU99, DU99 RWS4, DU99 RWE,RP DU116, DU114 v.11, v.11 DU114 RR4,DU112 SE, DU112SE1, MS and DU112RUST. The robot is a robot series DU99competed in the 18 th Trinity College Fire FightingHome Robot Contest and the rest willcompeted in the 2011 RoboGames.News Digital victory has also beendelivered in a fans committee pageThis race is on Facebook. On the wall FanPage up, the committeecongratulate the team ofIndonesia."Congratulation to DU99 RWE of IndonesiaWHO just won the Advanced Division ofRoboWaiter!, "Wrote the committee.Committee returned two hours latercongratulate the team ofIndonesia for its success become1 and 2 champion in the standard ratesame category, RoboWaiter."The Indonesian team won first and Alsosecond place in the Entry Level Division ofRoboWaiter!, "Wrote the committee again.RoboWaiter is the category where the robot-the robot must be able to be servantsfor humans. The story is a robotmust move one objectfrom one point to another. Arenathe game is set in such a wayso that the robot is going through someobstacles. The fastest robotmove objects without incurringobstacle is the winner.
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