Minggu, 10 April 2011

Sony Immediately Presents Streaming Music on PSP

Music Unlimited, the servicestreaming musicberbasiscloud propertySony, increasingly expandingwings. On April 142011, servicessupported this Qriocitywill be present also inPlayStation Portable(PSP)."Offering the most importanthere is, how with one account, you can accessMusic on TV, PS3, Blu-ray player, and now PSP. The music willaccompany you anywhere with any device. So nomust download all the songs to a device andYou carry it away, "said Executive Vice Presidentand CEO of Sony Network Entertainment, Shawn Layden.Qriocity itself, which is the trade name for music serviceSony, similar to Amazon's new music store launchedMarch past. This cloud-based services offer ID to log inand single-wallet solution for enabling usersusing content, including music, video and ebook content invarious devices integrated with each other."The idea is to make your PlayStation ID 'is everywhere'allows you to sign in anywhere, and allows forsell digital objects from the same account, "added Laydenas quoted from PC World, Sunday (04/10/2011).Music Unlimited services have previously been present on TV,laptops,Blu-Ray player and PlayStation 3. Starting next week, aboutsix million digital music files in Music Unlimited can also beaccessedPSP users via WiFi.Need to PlayStation Network account to be able to access it anddevices must sidah running the latest firmware update, version6.3.7. The service is priced at USD 3.99 per month and USD9.99 per month for premium features.Music Unlimited is also scheduled to attend on an Android SonyLatest, including the Xperia Play, Sony PlayStation NGP and tablets.

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