Jumat, 29 April 2011

Will the Next NSX Use Hybrid Engine

TOKYO - rumors reappearanceNSX super car made ​​from car manufacturersJapan, Honda seems to be areality. Because the Honda displaya car that was estimated would beThe NSX successor in titleShanghai Auto Show 2011.President of Honda Motor Co. Takanobu ItoHonda will make sure thatgave birth to a new sports carwill be the successor of the Acura NSX.As quoted from Thursday autonews(04/28/2011) Ito Ito claim despitewill become a vicious car, carThis new sport will also be more friendlyenvironment.Unfortunately, when so released, we do notwill hear the distinctive roar sangarpowerful as a car engine wherePrevious NSX. Because it seems Hondawill provide the hybrid force on the NSXlatest.As is known, has the old NSXpowerful engine. However, due tofinancial crisis, ultimately Hondamake savings on initial costin 2008 by stoppingNSX production.Honda NSX future plan willuse a V10 engine that is at leastto produce power 500 hp.But with the statement Ito,it seems the plan will notaccomplished. But Honda did notprovide additional details on the carwhich uses a combination machineconventional and electric motoror time to launch. "We willworked very hard on it. "SaidHonda engineers.

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