Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

BMW 335d Diesel Driver Achievement Car of the Year

Diesel vehicles are more efficient, but manywho doubted his ability to run. However, BMWbreak the assumption that by producing modelsinteresting product.Like the model 123 d which have the power to 200 hp. Withit bears a diesel engine, the sedan is claimed toability to match ran Golf GTI.The model is also still tempting, like other-1 series coupe ordiesel-5 series which has become the first oil-burner ever TopGearPuton Their track.One proof of superior diesel production vehicle BMWcan be seen from the BMW 335d was chosen as the winner"Diesel Car of the Year" by readers of "The Diesel Driver"at New York International Auto Show 2011.This award was given as a result of votes submittedfrom 43 countries worldwide. 29.6 percent of people questionedchoose the 335d, with 83 percent of their votes comefrom the United States."335d really changed my view of American societyon diesel, "said Paul Ferraiolo, Manager Strategy andBMW product planners.Each year, readers of The Diesel Drivers followThe selection of Diesel Car of the Year and has been highlyrecognizedThetop three diesel cars in the United States for the category ofTheDiesel Car of the Year 2011.Options consist of 12 passenger vehicles and SUVs.Fuel economy, the amount of emissions produced, performanceperformance, handling, styling, and safety, a handful of"Packages" are taken into account in the selection criteria.According to BMW, 335d sales momentum to continue untilThis year, as in the first quarter of 2011, sales rose 34percent over the same period last year. 335d notedgain an impressive 130 percent for the calendar year2010 if compared with 2009.

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