Minggu, 29 Mei 2011
CEO Twitter So Obama Adviser
WAshington - U.S. President Barack Obamaappoint a number of technology experts tojoin the teamtelecommunications security adviser.Including CEO Twiter,Dick Costolo.Costolo elected along with other electedmembers of the team, as VicePresident of Trustworthy Computing ScottCharney; ComputerMcAfee Security Company President, DavidDeWalt, and LisaHook as Head of Global CommunicationsTechnology forNeustar technology firm. They will worktogether inNational Security TelecommunicationsAdvirosy Committee.In addition there is Jamie Dos Santos, leaderof the group TerremarkWorldwide that handle governmentinformation and technologyfederal. mobil mewah terbaik"I am proud to appoint a number of greatmen and women tofill this position. I am also grateful becausethey haveagreed to donate their extraordinary talentstothis government, "Obama said at a pressconferenceatthe White House."I can not wait to get to work with themduringfor months or even years to come, "headdedasquoted by the Straits Times on Saturday(05/28/2011).
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