Senin, 16 Mei 2011

How Osama Sending Email Without Caught?

NEW YORK - Despite having noInternet access in placehiding, Osama bin Ladenis a prolific writervia email without being noticed bygovernment of the United States (U.S.), whichSuperpower to make the country are frustrated.This setting allows bin Ladento keep in touch across the worldwithout leaving digital fingerprints inbehind him. Bin Laden built systemon discipline and confidence.Hiding in a walled compound inNortheast Pakistan without the abilitytelephone or the Internet, bin Laden wouldtyping a message on a computer without a connectionInternet, and then save it withusing a flash drive.Osama then send a flash driveto a trusted courier, which will leadan internet cafe which is very farfrom his hiding place. On location, the courier will install the drive into memorycomputer, copy the message bin Ladeninto an email and send it.Launched by News Com, Friday(13/05/2011), the courier will copy anyincoming email to a flash drive andback to the complex, where bin Ladenwill read offline message.This is a slow process andexhausting. And so thorough thatIntelligence officials have even veteranamazed at the ability of bin Laden tomaintain it for so long. U.S.always suspicious of bin Laden communicatesvia courier but did not anticipateextent of communication as disclosedby the material he left behind.Al-Qaeda known to varye-mail address, so it is not clear howmany are still active since the death of sonLaden.U.S. troops find there ownat least 100 flash memory drive. ToolThis tiny citedused as a warehouse archivescommunication between Osama and the peopleNearby far.

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