Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

The incidence of B-Klasse Mercedes Benz F-Cell Kazakhstan

Astana - Mission three brand new model Mercedes Benz B-KlasseF-Cell to go around the world must be stopped in Kazakhstan. B-KlasseF-Cell had an accident while crossing the state fraction of UnionSoviets.Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse F-Cell to start the journey from Germanyto travel around the world. According to the plan, the carmanufacturer's productionGermans would travel as far as 30 thousand kilometersor approximately 18,700 miles. This is to try out the technology,automobilesusing fuelcell battery that produced the firsten masse.Unfortunately, before solving its mission, Mercy has experiencedtrioincidents in Kazakhstan, last week. The good news, there is novictim in this accident and car B-Klasse F-Cell is notsuffered severe damage. Unfortunately, the car can notcontinue the journey because they can not be repaired on siteevents.German luxury car manufacturer has finally decided tofix the car at the next stop. Not yetdecided whether to replace only the damaged partsor will replace a new car.Basic working system regular B-Klasse, M-Cell uses a systemnew generation of fuel cell, in which hydrogen gas reactswith atmospheric oxygen at 700 bar to produce flowfor electric motors.As in the conventional hybrid electric gasoline, car materialfuel cell makes use of lithium ion batteries with output35 kW and 1.4 kWh capacity to improveand recover braking energy.Electric motor car was producing approximately 100 kW or 136horsepower and maximum torque of 290 Nm or 214 pounds-ft,Mercy is possible to reach a top speed of 170km / h (105 mph).

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