Jumat, 06 Mei 2011
Indonesia Arrival Meteor Rain Eta Aquariids!
JAKARTA - For the fansastronomy in Indonesia, be prepared forthis night up to two days ahead rainEta meteor Aquariids will be visitedIndonesia sky."The rain meteors will appear Eta Aquariidsin all parts of Indonesia, whichpeak at 6 to 8 May, "said Professor Dr Thomas Djamaluddin,Astronomy and Astrophysics of expertsInstitute of Space and AviationNational (LAPAN), in Jakarta, Friday(05/06/2011).To Okezone Thomas explainsthat the Eta meteor shower comes Aquariidsof dust-comet dust combustionHalley. "Called because Eta Aquariidsusually visible in the constellationconstellationAquarius, near the brightest star inconstellation, namely Eta Aquarii, "said Thomas.Thomas said that the phenomenonAquariids Eta meteor shower occurs everyyears. "This meteor will take place rainfrom late April to mid Maylater, but reached its peak in6 to 8 May, with the number 60meteors per hour "Thomas said."Rain of meteors can be seen beforeFajr in the sky to the east, withterms and conditions of clear sky freelight pollution, "added Thomas.
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