Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

Justin Bieber Lips Kiss Selena in Indonesia

lOS ANGELES - Justin Bieber and SelenaGomez started their love storywith a secret. Both re-photographers caught kissinglip. This time, the young lovebirds kiss overJustin concert news conference in Indonesia.When Justin's concert in Indonesia, April 232011, he brought with Selena. Withoutshyly, a pair of teenagers who wereromantic couple that kiss after byepress. Thus was launched Dailymail, Tuesday(10/05/2011).Both are suspected to have been secretlydating for months ago,before performing together on the red carpetOscar.Selena recently revealedthat they have made a decisionto go public with their relationship."I do not like hiding. I wantkeep certain things for yourself.But in the end, I turned 18and I'll fall in love. I'll hang outwith the people, and I willexplore yourself. I'm fineJust by doing that, "said Selena.When asked if he ever fallslove before with Justin, hereplied, "I do not know. I probablyhas a first love and never brokenliver, but actually I do not thinkthat it is love. I think becauseI'm getting older and havea deeper relationship, maybeI will experience it. Currently, mydo not know exactly if ever falllove. "Whilethey clearly fall in love oneanother, they are bothcommitted to promoting career.Justin is currently undergoing a tourAsia. Meanwhile, Selena is currentlydoing a summer tour withScene groups, and alreadyplanning activities in the last seasonDisney event. (Ang)

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