Rabu, 18 Mei 2011
mercedes benz mobil mewah terbaik indonesia raya
To assist disaster victims in Japan, mobil mercedes benz mantabs yo de, mobil mewah terbaik indonesia setuju gak pakde?Daimler AG to provide a fund of 2 million euros in the formquick relief.Donations are expected to provide support forrescue efforts and recovery of victims of disasters innortheastern Japan. German premium car manufacturerthose mentioned, other forms of assistance willfollowed, including the possible provision of supply of materialsbuilding.Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of the Board of Management of DaimlerAG says, "The impact of the earthquake that occurred inJapan is still difficult to comprehend. Therefore, thisbecome an impetus for us to expressour concern to those affected by disasters, inThis donation form. "Daimler has about 13,000 staff in Japanincorporated in the subsidiary Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and BusCorporation, Mercedes-Benz Japan, and Daimler FinancialServices. Not least, Daimler has the relationshiptrade and cooperation partners who have long been intertwinedwith Japan, including Nissan."Donations will be given in the form of supportfinancially to humanitarian organizations that are there. Selectionfinal will be held a few days ahead, "wrote MercedesBenz in his official statement.Daimler AG is the parent company of PT Mercedes-BenzIndonesia, which overshadow the brand Mercedes-Benz and SmartinIndonesia.mercedes benz mobil mewah terbaik indonesia
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