Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Nigeria Unrest Kills 800 People

Lagos - Unrest in Nigeria reportedly common pascapemilihancausing 800 people died. At least this is the reportedby Human Rights Watch (HRW) today."bloody violence associated with elections in Nigeria,causing 800 people died. This amount is recorded since theimpairmentafterthe April 2011 presidential elections ago, "said the HRWreportasquoted by AFP on Monday (5/16/2011).According to observers of human rights organization based inNew York,United States (U.S.), this, these victims were killed inthree days of rioting that occurred in 12 statesNigeria.Violence in Nigeria took place after PresidentGoodluck Jonathan won the seat after Nigeria's presidentApril 16 ballot.Riots broke out after Jonathan's win with the acquisition of 57percent of the vote than his opponent Muhammadu Buhari whoget 31 percent of the vote.Unrest spread rapidly in some areas ledthe indiscriminate attack between two groupsJonathan and Buhari supporters. Both these support each otherclashing machetes and sticks during riots.Many thought the riot was triggered by sentimentreligious, but most analysts believe that the riotsbecause of poverty and economic marginalization in the regionnorthern Nigeria.

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